AARP and Aetna

Aetna and AARP

Health insurance demystified in 15 minutes.

White mask
White mask
Work samples of Aetna and AARP online insurance guide.
Work samples of Aetna and AARP online insurance guide.

30,000 visitors in first 3 months - Averaging 9 minutes of engagement!

More and more people are buying their own health insurance. There’s just one problem. No one’s ever showed them how.

Tackling the complexity of buying individual health insurance.

Aetna and AARP recognized that demystifying the process would be a public service to all and sound business to boot. So we created “The 15-Minute Health Insurance Guide” for them, a self-directed, online guide that contained:

  • Bite-sized, navigable chapters that even the most insurance-phobic adult could follow
  • Engaging content and graphics covering copays, deductibles, HSAs, networks and more
  • Printable tip sheet
  • Multiple choice quiz for an additional level of education

Users make time for good content.

Driven by an email campaign, the guide attracted 30,000 unique visitors in just the first three months. On average, visitors view more than 60% of the content.

What We Did

Site featuring:

  • Self-directed educational guide
  • Quiz with scoring results
  • Downloadable reference