Healthfirst – Different campaigns, consistently strong results


Different campaigns, consistently strong results

Healthfirst is one of the fastest-growing health plans in a very competitive New York City market. To keep that momentum going, they knew just where to go.

Beating expectations – twice!

By simplifying complex products and a complex sale that often involved a seminar, we delivered great results for Healthfirst’s Medicare plans. Tasked with reaching both lower-income beneficiaries and Manhattanites seeking a more exclusive plan, our campaigns achieved 147% of the response goal and 112% of the enrollment goal in the first year. The following year, we increased enrollment by 33% while lowering cost per sale.

From New Yorker to New Yorker

In year 2, we also took on membership across all individual health plans. Positioning NY-based Healthfirst as the authentic choice for New Yorkers, we created a real, emotional connection across:

  • A cohesive campaign that reached 134% of the response goal
  • Extensive versions of DRTV covering different lengths, languages, CTAs and deadlines
  • DM to prospects testing format, messaging and urgency, plus member retention mailings

What we did

DRTV  /  Direct Mail  /  Print Ads  /  FSIs  /  OOH