Today, marketers are as overwhelmed as anyone by the never-ending stream of industry news and content out there – and we’re in the business of creating this stuff! Not sure if that’s irony or karma or what, but a solution is definitely in order.
So our agency’s New Year’s resolution is to share ideas for getting it under control, starting with some of our favorite ways to create curated content streams:

Aggregators. Tools like Protopage and Alltop let you customize your browser home page with headlines from your favorite publications, websites and blogs, enabling you to scan content quickly throughout the day. Using the latter’s “MyAlltop” feature, you can see the content chosen by industry leaders – a fun way to learn about new resources.

Feed filters. On Twitter, for example, you can filter your feed by grouping the people you follow into lists. Then when you want particular insights – say, from CEOs only – you can get right to them.

Email newsletters. With daily dispatches from Mashable, Fast Company, TechCrunch and others, you can get a great range of breaking business and tech news, delivered right to your inbox.

Actual conversations with real live people. There’s only so much any of us can learn in our own little echo chamber of interests. That’s why it’s critical for all of us to exchange ideas and info with team members on a regular basis.
We rely on our weekly “Speakeasy” meetings, where we take turns sharing industry news, inspiring work and even our own personal passions (from Spartan Races to beer brewing) on the big-screen. It’s a great way to spark creativity, broaden horizons and keep up with each other as well as our industry. To ensure it’s all available for future reference, we simply collect it on Yammer.
We hope these tips help. Here’s to a new year filled with indispensable content, not clutter.